Suckler herds put Charolais at No1
Suckler herds put Charolais at No1
CHAROLAIS bulls are the most popular breed in lowland and upland suckler herds, with Hereford and Simmental the most popular cows.
According to the new MLC Beef Yearbook, Charolais bulls are used in 55% of upland suckler herds, and 42% of lowland herds. Lim-ousins, at 20%, are the next most popular in upland herds, while the second most popular in the lowlands is the Simmental, at 31%.
Least popular lowland herd sires are Aberdeen-Angus and South Devon, with Aberdeen-Angus also accounting for only 1% of bulls used in upland herds.
Most popular cow in the upland herd is Hereford, used by 43% of herds, with Simmental accounting for 36% of cows. In lowland herds, both Hereford and Simmental account for 25% of breeds used.
Least popular upland suckler cow is the Blue Grey, followed by the Blonde dAquitaine, which is the least popular in lowland herds, used in only 3% of herds, followed by the Blue Grey, which is used in only 6% of lowland herds. *