!00,000-plus back F&Mcampaign
As signatures supporting our request for a full public inquiry top 100,000, we canvass reaction to the most successful campaign ever run by FW… 14
Less stress…
Managing cows to reduce mastitis with easing of stress on cows and staff was one of the topics discussed at the British Mastitis Conference. Full 40
Milk hopes high
What are milk producers plans for the future?We asked producers at the Dairy Event and found that half of the sample were optimistic………… 50
Bio-fuel line
EUbio-fuel proposals could bring a welcome boost to UKcropping but growers must get behind the pro-farming fuel policy……………………………page 55
Potato pique
The British Potato Council will have its work cut out to convince growers that a 9.5% levy rise is justified…………….page 56
Spy-in-the-sky technology is set to boost crop husbandry, raise average yields and deliver the goods, according to new trials…………………………….page 58
Jumping beans
Boosting winter bean margins is the subject of this weeks baseline advice. And there is more to establishment than many think…………………………page 59
Tractor turnround?
Tractors over 40hp registered in the first nine months of this year showed a rise of 4.1% on the same period in 65
Cab comfort
Massey Fergusons new 4300 series of tractors have just arrived. Our test driver found the most notable changes were in the cab………………… 68