Tesco to cut organic prices

11 September 2000

Tesco to cut organic prices

By FWi staff

SUPERMARKET giant Tesco is to cut prices for all its organic produce by 12%, and is says it will pay the 5m cost.

Tesco believes funding the price cut will encourage more people to buy organic produce, a market which is grown by 40% a year,

To encourage organic production in the UK the store is funding a new position at Newcastle University, reports the BBC Radio 4 Farming Today programme.

Tesco will spend 500,000 funding organic research and development over the next five years.

Two more cases of swine fever

TWO more cases of classical swine fever has been reported in East Anglia, bringing the total to 10 since the outbreak began in August.

The Ministry of Agriculture announced that the disease had been discovered at units in Suffolk and Norfolk.

One case may have been caused by a vehicle or pigs moved from an infected site before restrictions were put in place some weeks ago,

The other was in the zone of the first nursery site, and there was some evidence of lateral spread, the National Pig Associations Ian Campbell told the BBC Radio 4 Farming Today programme.

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