Walker attacks knee-jerk SAC cuts

26 January 2001

Walker attacks ‘knee-jerk’ SAC cuts

By FWi staff

CUTS of more than 1 million to Scottish Agricultural College funding have been condemned as a “knee-jerk reaction” by a farmers leader.

The Scottish Executive has announced that it is cutting 1.2m off the SAC budget over three years. Annual aid of 18m will be reduced to 17.6m each year from 2001.

National Farmers Union of Scotland president Jim Walker said the cut could damage efforts to formulate a forward strategy for the industry.

“Inherent in any forward strategy is a commitment to invest in the future and that includes education, research and training.”

“Anything that holds back that process is of course worrying.”

He added: “SAC has long been supported by the Scottish Executive and now is not the time for a knee-jerk reaction to funding cuts.

Mr Walker said SAC should take the opportunity to review the whole way its services are delivered.

“Such a review may ensure that SACs important research and advisory role is delivered in the most effective and efficient manner and avoid any imbalance that may be caused by a quick decision on redundancies,” he said.

But a spokeswoman for the Scottish Executive said the cuts were not a knee-jerk reaction but a response to falling numbers.

She pointed out that the executive only provided 37% of SAC funding, with other revenue coming from commercial activities.

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