What cultivator should I buy?

30 October 2001

What cultivator should I buy?

We have been into lo-till for about seven years, using an Opico vari-disc and tine combination. Its cheap, cheerful, low maintenance and doesnt need a large tractor up front. However, it is beginning to show its age and a second tractor pulling a set of Cambridge rolls is required to get the seedbed firm enough for the Moore direct drill – more expense.

I need something simple (i.e. attached to the drawbar rather than three point linkage) to knock down some spring ploughed land and get a reasonable seedbed. Im not bothered whether its tines or discs.

Im not sure I know of a machine that does all of these things set out in your question. The consolidation part is the bit which is difficult to find.

If you are about to change you cultivator why not have a complete review of you system. Move to a one tractor system so you can remove the second rolling tractor altogether.

Then, after you have done your costings (and it makes sense to do this), then you could buy a wider tined cultivator and roller to give you the daily output needed to get the job done in the time available and save money.

If the vari-disc has worked for you then why not get another one but stop using the front tines, so you can pull a wider one. This would help to achieve the output mentioned earlier.

From:Steve Townsend

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