What the papers say French beef ban
7 December 1999
What the papers say — French beef ban
THERE is a mixed reaction from this mornings newspapers to the inconclusive report from the French food safety agency on whether British beef is safe
By ducking a decision and putting the ball back in the court of the French prime minister Lionel Jospin, some titles believe the agency has ensured the ban will drag on.
The Daily Telegraph says the decision means the “the prospect of another delay on Frances embargo on British beef grew last night”.
French politicians are putting pressure on Mr Jospin to retain the boycott, it claims.
The Daily Mail has no doubts what the implications of the decision are. “Keep up the beef ban, say French scientists”, reads its headline.
The paper describes the agency report as “another stunning blow” for Britain because France wants “several more months” to assess the Date-Based Export Scheme.
It says Mr Jospin has been put in a difficult spot, left to resolve the issue after repeatedly saying he would not override the agencys decision.
But The Express is more optimistic, and says that the scientists have cleared the way for France to lift the beef ban.
It claims “insiders believe the report goes far enough to allow Mr Jospin to move for a political solution.”
This chimes with the The Times, which says France is expected to approve an end to the ban as early as today, despite a the food agencys inconclusive report.
The Guardian concurs, saying that the “vague outcome was seen as generally helpful to Britain”.
Meanwhile, The Independent sums up the decision as “Er, we are not sure”, and quotes an official “who reacted with relief” that it was not a clear no.