15 September 2000


THIS years European dairy farming event is on Wed Sept 20 and Thurs Sept 21 at the National Agricultural Centre, Stoneleigh, Warks.

New to the event is the Dairy Technology Centre, which will be located in the new Exhibition Hall Two. This NPower and Milking Machine Manufacturers Association-sponsored area will focus on robotic milking and computers (full details on p6).

New locations

The new Exhibition Halls restaurant will be the location of this years Spotlight on Profit forums, sponsored by HSBC Agriculture, RABDF, the Milk Development Council, DRC and farmers weekly.

The forums have become a popular feature of the event, with industry representatives, milk buyers and MAFF personnel addressing the audiences and entering discussions (see programme on p6).

With the opening of Exhibiton Hall Two and to make better use of the previous hall, the event has moved down Avenue M. This will result in most stands being under cover in either one of these halls or the cattle sheds.

New exhibits

The RABDF is also supporting a further two new exhibits this year.

The first is a Health and Productivity Clinic which will be run by David Whitaker from Edinburgh University and the second is Research Access 2000.

This area will pull together all major research organisations, says RABDF.

The past year has seen major restructuring of the milk market and the RABDF is pleased to announce that 11 major milk buyers will be taking part in the event.

In the show ring, breed class judging will begin on Wednesday at 9am (programme left), with interbreed judging on Thursday from 11am.

Milking cow classes will be based on the EDFEs unique Total Performance Evaluation system combining lifetime production, genetic index and inspection points. &#42

Main ring highlights

Wed, Sept 20

9am Breed inspection judging commences. Ring A: Shorthorn, Guernsey and Brown Swiss.

Ring B: Jersey, Ayrshire.

12.30pm Progeny Showcase, Ring A and B.

1.30pm Holstein judging commences, Ring A and B.

Thur, Sept 21

11am Interbreed heifer championship.

11.15am Morrison perpetual challenge trophy.

11.30am EDFE inspection awards.

11.45am EDFE exhibitor bred champion.

12noon RABDF supreme championship.

3pm NYYFC Presentation of stock judging trophies.

Opening times are Wednesday 8am-5.30pm and Thursday 8.30am-5pm. Tickets will cost £12 on the gate or £11 for those with a Young Farmers Club membership card or student card. Entry is free for

RABDF members.

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