7 September 2001


Bedfordshire Quad Centre

Hill Farm, Willington, Bedford MK44 3QU Tel: 01525 716403 Fax: 01525 717500 E-mail: sales@bedfordshirequadcentre.com Web: www.bedfordshirequadcentre.com

Yamaha quad dealer and full range of accessories.

Bomford Turner

Salford Priors, Evesham, Worcs WR11 5SW Tel: 01789 773383 Fax: 01789 773238 E-mail: sales@bomford-turner.com

Demonstrating new Fieldmaster 400 cultivator, the first time this unique one-pass cultivation system will have been on public display. Also being shown on the static area will be the B64TP from the new Contractor series of reach mowers, with digital controls and Flail king head and the Cutlass 460 flex-wing rotating mower.

Claydon Yieldmeter

Gaines Hall, Wickhambrook, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 8YA Tel:01440 820327 Fax: 01440 820642

Demonstrating a 5-furrow Claydon Furrow Cracker fitted to a 5F Dowdeswell MA120 plough. 5F furrow cracker hydraulic model retail price £3645.

Collings Brothers of Abbotsley

Potton Road, Abbotsley, St Neots, Cambs. PE19 6TZ Tel: 01767 677316 Fax: 01767 667451 E-mail: www@collingsbros.co.uk

Working in conjunction with Lemken, Cousins of Emneth and Quivogne

Static area: Case CVX 130 tractor, Case C594 tractor, Merlo 26-6 telescopic forklift.

Demonstration plots:

Case MX270, CVX 170, MX135 & CS150 tractors.

In conjunction with Quivogne (see entry below) – STX440 Quadtrac, MX135, MX150 tractors.

In association with Lemken Tri-Ag Wymondham, Norfolk. NR18 9LR Tel: 01379 855449 Fax: 01379855452

Lemken Euro 8 7-furrow/6-furrow ploughs.

In association with Cousins of Emneth, The Forge, Hungate Road, Emneth, Wisbech, Cambs, PE14 8DE Tel: 01945 584600 Fax: 01945 584616 E-mail: sales@cousinsofemneth.co.uk

Springboard Packa rolls, V form soil loosener, Cambridge rolls, combination harrow, K100X disc harrow, front mounted equipment.

JCB Landpower

Harewood Estate, Leek Road, Cheadle, Staffordshire. ST10 2JX Tel: 01538 755641 Fax: 01538 752332 E-mail: david.warrier@jcb.com

Demonstrators include Fastrac 3185-65, Fastrac 2150, Fastrac 2135 Quadtronic, plus Fastrac 3185-65, Loadall 530-70 FS (Super) on the static plot.

J E Buckle (Engineers)

High Street, Cromer, Stevenage, Herts. SG2 7QA Tel: 01438 861257 Fax: 01438 861783

Main John Deere agent for Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire. Range of John Deere tractors and cultivation equipment from Gregoire Besson and Kuhn.

Knight Farm Machinery

Wireless Hill, South Luffenham, Oakham. LE15 8NF Tel: 01780 722200 Fax: 01780 722201

Knight Triple Press plus with levelling boards and rigid tines. The right rigid tines are fitted with speed-loc points, the quick method of replacing worn points and changing the type of point to suit the conditions.

Knight Excalibur Discs, tandem discs with cutaway front gang and plain rear gang and hydraulic folding 600mm revolver ring rear mounted press.

Kuhn Farm Machinery (UK)

Stafford Park No 7, Telford, Shropshire TF3 3BQ Tel: 01952 239300 Fax: 01952 290091 E-mail: info@kuhn.co.uk

Eight-furrow Manager semi-mounted plough, 3.6m XM disc harrow, 4m SD direct drill, 3m power harrow and air drill, all working with Case tractors.

Lodgeway Tractor Co

Chicksands, Shefford, Beds. SG17 5QB Tel: 01462 816122 Fax: 01462 850852

Kverneland LO plough (new model). On-land/in-furrow version, with No8 bodies 300 horsepower headstock, fully-mounted.

Massey Ferguson Model 8280 tractor 4×4 full Powershift transmission, 18/8 272 horsepower 10t hydraulic lift capacity and electronic spool valve management.

Moore Uni Drill

33, Kirk Road, Ballymoney, Co Antrim BT 53 6PP Tel: 028276 64444 Fax: 028276 65696

Demonstrating 4m hydraulic folding air-drill, with original disc coulter and heavy press wheel arrangement. Ideal for good seed/soil contact, which in turn is essential for minimum tillage systems. Totally flexible in being able to adapt to plough based, minimum tillage or direct drilling systems, with the same drill. Strong, robust, lower operating costs and 25 years of experience in UK conditions.

A T Oliver & Sons

Wandon End Works, Luton, Beds. LU2 8NY Tel: 01582 727111 Fax: 01582 729763

E-mail: ato@atoliver.co.uk Also branches at Clifton Road, Shefford, Bedford Tel: 01462 813212 & Kings Langley Tel: 01923 265211.

Agent for Claas, JCB, Simba-Horsch and Valtra.

Static: JCB Fastrac 3185-65 170hp tractor, JCB Fastrac 2135 135hp 4 wheel steer tractor, JCB 530-70 Farm Special Loadall telescopic handler. Simba cultivation equipment and drills, Valtra 8350 135hp Hitech tractor.

Demonstration plots:

Claas Challenger 55 270hp rubber tracked tractor c/w Simba 3.0 Solo cultivator and 4.2 Double Press.

Claas Challenger 75E and 95E tractors working with Simba equipment.

JCB Fastrac 3185-65 170hp tractor with Simba 4.6m Cultipress.

Valtra 8350 135hp tractor with Simba Horsch CO 4m drill.

In association with Simba International, Woodbridge Road, Sleaford, Lincs NG34 7EW Tel: 01529 301654 Fax: 01529 413468

Simba Solo 4.5m one pass cultivator c/w 5.5m double press c/w DD rings.

Simba Solo 3m one pass cultivator c/w 4.2m double press c/w DD rings.

Simba Lexecon 3.6m disc harrow c/w 4.2m DD ring press.

Simba 4.6m Cultipress c/w DD rings.

Simba Horsch CO 4m drill.

Quivogne UK

Fen Farm, Washbrook, Ipswich, Suffolk IP8 3HE Tel: 01473 730576Fax: 01473 730681 E-mail: quivogne@farmline.com

Quivogne Tinemaster with Michael Moore Press.

Quivogne X Format disc harrow with Michael Moore Press.

Robinson & Hall

118, Bromham Road, Bedford MK40 2QN Tel: 01234 352201 Fax: 01234 362919 E-mail: info@robinsonhall.co.uk

Chartered surveyors and land agents cordially invite you to join them in their hospitality marquee.

Sam Moreton & Sons (Farmers Tyres)

Burnt Heath Farm, Offchurch, Leamington Spa CV33 9AX Tel: 01926 632269 Fax: 01926 632023 E-Mail: sales@farmertyre.co.uk

Agricultural wheels and tyres.

P A Turney

Middleton Stoney, Bicester, Oxon OX6 8SD Tel: 01569 343333 Fax: 015869 343540

New Holland tractors & New Holland handlers.


Unit 1, Ellesmere Industrial Estate, Grantham, Lincs NG31 7XT Tel: 01476 581900 Fax: 01476 581901 E-mail: sales@vaderstad.co.uk

Cultivation and drilling equipment. Working machines will include the Carrier stubble cultivator, Rexius twin double press and 300S and 400F Rapid drills.

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