Wildflower seed grown for all…

2 August 2002

Wildflower seed grown for all…

A FIELD of cornflowers being harvested by a small Norfolk company will provide seed for farms throughout the UK.

Emmersgate Seeds of Tilney All Saints produces a variety of wildflower and wild grass seed for use on farms taking part in Countryside Stewardship and Environmentally Sensitive Area schemes.

Once harvested the seed can remain in good condition in cold stores for five years and beyond.

Mark Schofield, sales manager, said the wild plants were grown like any other crop in soil which was as enriched as possible.

"However, flower-rich meadows are generally easier to establish on poorer soils. They can be established on fertile soils but they need more care and attention," he said

Emmersgate, a mail order firm founded in 1980, employs five people and also sells seed to gardeners and local authorities. &#42

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