20 July 2001


This is week 3 of the

Keenan competition.

Just read the text,

answer the question

each week and fill

out the coupon that

will appear in the

FW issue of Aug 3

TO maximise the benefit from farm-grown feeds and forages, reduce ration costs and improve animal health and feed efficiency, the Keenan System partners the Klassik mixer-wagon with dedicated nutrition support.

Practical solutions

Keenan Specialists working on-farm and through on-going support ensure that customers get the most from the system. By using practical solution blueprints they help address the main issues that affect long-term profitability.

These solutions have been developed from years of experience working with customers world-wide and capture the best practice in nutrition and management. The Keenan approach is designed to be implemented both efficiently and simply, and to maximise the full abilities of the Klassik.

Keenan Solutions cover a wide range of issues including dry cow management, dairy cow TMR, buffer feeding at grass, grain processing options, suckler cow feeding and bull beef production.

On-going support

Keenan TMR specialists work with customers to build their understanding of the full potential of the Keenan System.

Through farm visits, phone support (Feedline), seminars, local workshops and technical newsletters they bring the latest information, techniques and give on-going support.



The Keenan System

partners the Klassiks innovative

mixing design with Keenan nutritional

support to deliver the

correct feed structure

for optimum health,

performance and

long-term farm profits.


1 How is the Keenan System to be won? There will be one

question in each of the FW issues of July 6, 13, 20, 27 and Aug 3. There will be a chance to answer all five questions and complete the tiebreaker in the coupon that will appear in the Aug 3 issue. In the event of a tie, a further short

questionnaire may be used to decide the winner.

2 The prize is a Keenan System including a £21,000 Klassik

mixer-wagon and full nutritional support. No cash alternatives

are available.

3 The decision of the judges and of the editor of FW will in all matters be final and legally binding.

4 The competition is open to all farmers, farm managers,

contractors and farm workers in the UK and Eire, except employees of Reed Business Information and their families, or employees of Richard Keenan UK Ltd and its

distributors, or of FWs printers.

5 The winner must agree to

participate in the publicity

activities associated with the


6 Closing date for receiving

completed coupons is Aug 17, 2001. They should be addressed to: farmers weekly/Keenan Klassik Competition, farmers weekly, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS.


Question 3:

By using practical solution blueprints, what do Keenan specialists help address?


Keep a note of the answer and use it to fill in the coupon that will appear on the competition page in the

Aug 3 issue of farmers weekly

See more