Work on headlands
Work on headlands
HEADLAND sterile strip spraying, spot spraying around farm buildings and conventional ATV spraying all fall within the remit of the facelifted Headland Control mini-sprayer from Martin Lishman.
Main changes are threefold: Carrying capacity rises from 45 litres (10gal) to 75 litres (16.5gal); a moulded plastic tank, with the facility to wrap hand lance hose around one end, replaces the old fibreglass barrel; and the system is now more suited to ATV mounting.
Retained from the original is the facility to strap the tank to the side of a conventional sprayer. This enables simultaneous sterile strip/first headland bout spraying using the units twin-nozzle, boom-end attachment.
Options include positive agitation and variable pressure control, as well as a choice of hand lance, break-back nozzle or 2m (6ft 7in) wide ATV spray boom. Prices start at £260.
Lishman has made headland sterile strip spraying a task for the ATV.