Write a column, earn some cash…

7 September 2001

Write a column, earn some cash…

STUDENTS, heres your chance to earn a bit of money while you learn. We are offering one lucky student the great opportunity of writing a monthly column for farmers weekly.

Farmlife is looking for someone who can provide an honest and candid account of student life for the rest of the academic year.

Yes, we want a true-to-life, warts-and-all portrayal of what its like being a student. The ups and downs, the good times and the bad times. Ideally, it should be an informative and entertaining insight into student life.

We want you to tell us each month what you and your friends have been doing and whats on your mind – be it academic work, social events, money issues or accommodation, to give a few examples.

So, if you think you could be that person, enter this writing competition.

All youve got to do is to tell us, in no more than 350 words, your experiences over the first few weeks of this academic year at college.

It doesnt matter whether youre a fresher or further through your course. You dont necessarily have to be at Ag college – what were looking for is someone who can give a candid account of college life that might be of interest to others. Your entry must reach us by Oct 31, 2001.

The student who sends us the best entry will be asked to write a monthly article for Farmlife for the rest of the academic year and be paid £50 for each one published.

It might mean a few hours a month writing when you could be researching an assignment (or in the union bar!) but youll get the chance to appear in your favourite magazine. And being a farmers weekly columnist will look great on your CV.

In addition to your entry, enclose a few brief details about yourself – how old you are, which college you attend, what you are studying and why, what your plans are, what your interests are and what, if any, your farming connections are.

Send your entries (typed, please) to College Calendar, farmers weekly, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS or e-mail them to tim.relf@rbi.co.uk. They should arrive no later than Oct 31, 2001.

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