17 August 2001




Welcome to the second week of

the farmers weekly/Schering-

Plough competition to win one of

5 Ritchie cattle crushes worth

£1465 each. Just read the text,

answer the question published

on this page and then look out

for the competition coupon

in the Aug 24 issue of FW

The causes of scour

Rotavirus is the most common cause of scour in calves and can affect up to 90-100% of cattle. Coronavirus is less common, but its effects can be more severe than those caused by Rotavirus.

Both these are viruses, but a third agent – E Coli – is also a common cause of mortality in calves less than four days old.

Gut damage

&#8226 Rotavirus and coronavirus attack the villi lining the gut, leading to reduced absorption of water and nutrients. The classic signs are yellow/green scour.

&#8226 E Coli attaches to the cells lining the villi. They produce poisonous enterotoxins which result in increased water and electrolyte secretion into the bowel, leading to watery scour in the first two days of life.

Importance of vaccination

&#8226 Once the gut lining is destroyed by scours, it never recovers.

&#8226 Viral scours cannot be treated with antibiotics. They must be prevented.

&#8226 The only effective protection from scours is by vaccination. Vaccination produces high levels of antibodies in the colostrum, which act as a protective barrier to infection.

Involve your vet

Your vet can help in assessing whether the disease is present in your herd by supplying you with a free Schering-Plough Scourwatch testing kit. This allows you to find out if your herd is infected with any of the main causes of scour.

Samples are taken within 24 hours of seeing the first signs of scouring and before the animals are treated with antibiotics. Samples are labelled and taken to your vet, who will send them to be tested and pass on the results quickly to you.


What is the biggest

cause of scouring in calves in the UK?

A: Rotavirus?

B: Coronavirus?

C: E coli?

Please keep a note of the answer and use it to fill in the coupon that will appear on the competition page in the Aug 24 issue of FW.


&#8226 A vaccination programme is the only sure way to prevent future outbreaks of calf scour.

&#8226 Effective protection against rotavirus, coronavirus and E Coli begins 3-12 weeks before calving by vaccinating with Rotavec Corona.

&#8226 Unlike a vaccine requiring two injections, single shot Rotavec Corona can be administered any time during the three to 12 weeks before calving.

POM. For further information and advice consult your veterinary

surgeon. Schering-Plough Animal Health, Breakspear Rd South, Harefield, Uxbridge, Middx UB9 6LS.


1: How are the cattle crushes to be won? Read the text and then study the question that will be published in each of the FW issues of Aug 10, 17 and 24. There will be a chance to answer all three questions and complete

the tiebreaker in the coupon that will appear in the

Aug 24 issue.

2: The prize is one of five Ritchie cattle crushes worth £1500 each. No cash alternatives are available.

3: The decision of the judges and of the editor of

farmers weekly will in all matters be final and legally

binding. No correspondence can be entered into.

4: The completed entry forms are the property of farmers weekly and Schering-Plough Animal Health.

5: The competition is open to all farmers, farm managers and contractors in Great Britain.

6: Closing date for receiving completed coupons is

Fri, Sept 7. They should be addressed to

farmers weekly/Rotavec competition,

farmers weekly, Quadrant House, The Quadrant,

Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS.

Vaccinating the mother allows her to pass on antibodies to her calf via her colostrum, guarding against infectious scour.

The prize is one of five Ritchie cattle handling crates with

fully automatic, auto-reset worth £1465 each.

Healthy gut lining (left) and scour-damaged (right).

See more