This is it. The third week of
the Rotavec-Corona
competition. Read on for
details – you could win one
of the finest cattle crushes
on the market
THIS is the third (and last) competition page for the FARMERS WEEKLY/Schering-Plough Rotavec-Corona competition. Just read the text, answer the question and fill in the coupon. Theres a chance to win one of five Ritchie cattle crushes worth £1465 each.
Vital importance of colostrum
Calves are most at risk in the first two weeks of life and need a source of continuous protection against rotavirus, coronavirus and E coli. The cells lining the gut wall are shed every four days – new cells are not protected and hence are prone to attack.
In the case of suckled calves, they can get this protection by taking in milk from mothers who have been vaccinated with Rotavec Corona.
Dairy calves can be similarly protected by feeding them stored colostrum from vaccinated mothers during the first two weeks.
Two week benefits
It used to be thought that the benefits of feeding colostrum diminished markedly after 24 hours. However the latest research shows that there is a significant benefit to be gained from giving the calf more prolonged exposure to colostrum from vaccinated cows over a period of two weeks.
As well as being absorbed into the bloodstream in the first 24 hours of life, antibodies will also coat the surface of the gut villi. This creates a barrier which prevents disease organisms sticking to the intestinal wall.
Cost benefits
On top of the calf-health benefit, there are financial advantages to prolonged feeding with colostrum from vaccinated cows.
With Rotavec-Corona typically costing £8-£8.50/cow, the scour protection and feeding cost are only 71p/calf/day at most. Thats a similar cost to feeding 7kg calf milk replacer over 14 days, without the added benefit of protection against scour.
Now fill in the coupon and send it to the address provided.
My answers to the three questions are as follows.
1 (See Aug 10) What is the total cost per calf of scour, according to the SAC research?
A: £22? B: £34? C: £69?
2 (See Aug 17) What is the biggest cause of scouring in calves in the UK?
A: Rotavirus? B: Coronavirus? C: E coli?
3 (See this issue) What do the antibodies coating the gut villi prevent from sticking to the intestinal wall?
A: Feed particles? B: Disease organisms? C: Organic matter?
Tie breaker: Giving colostrum from vaccinated cows to my calves helps my herd because………………………………………………………………………………..
……………………………………………………….(complete in less than 12 words)
First name……………………………..Surname……………………………………………
Home tel no…………………………………. Mobile no……………………………………
Are you a farmer? farm manager? contractor? (tick box)
Farm acres …………. Dairy nos …………… Beef nos ……………
Please tick if you do not want to receive direct marketing promotions
from other firms
Please send the completed coupon to: FARMERSWEEKLY/Rotavec-Corona Competition, FARMERSWEEKLY, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS Closing date: Sept 7, 2001
What do the antibodies coating the gut villi
prevent from sticking to the intestinal wall?
A: Feed particles?B: Disease organisms?C: Organic matter?
1: How are the cattle crushes to be won? Read the text and then study the question that will be published in each of the FW issues of Aug 10, 17 and 24. There will be a chance to answer all three questions and complete the tiebreaker in the coupon that will
appear in the Aug 24 issue.
2: The prize is one of five Ritchie cattle crushes worth £1465 each.
No cash alternatives are available.
3: The decision of the judges and of the editor of farmers weekly will in all
matters be final and legally binding. No
correspondence can be entered into.
4: The completed entry forms are the property of farmers weekly and
Schering-Plough Animal Health.
5: The competition is open to all
farmers, farm managers and
contractors in Great Britain.
6: Closing date for receiving
completed coupons is Fri, Sept 7.
They should be addressed to
farmers weekly/Rotavec competition, farmers weekly, Quadrant House,
The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS.
The prize is one of five Ritchie cattle handling crates with fully automatic, auto-reset yoke worth £1465 each.
Prolonged exposure to Colostrum
from vaccinated cows provides significant protection.
• A vaccination programme is the only sure way to prevent future outbreaks of calf scour.
• Effective protection against rotavirus, coronavirus and E Coli begins 3-12 weeks before calving by vaccinating with Rotavec Corona.
• Unlike a vaccine requiring two injections, single shot Rotavec Corona can be administered any time during the three to 12 weeks before calving.
POM. For further information and advice consult your veterinary
surgeon. Schering-Plough Animal Health, Breakspear Rd South, Harefield, Uxbridge, Middx UB9 6LS.