Padagas silage pusher covers 7.5m at a go


Leicester firm Padagas is now offering a heavy-duty silage leveller and pusher called the SL. It has two side-shields that can be moved hydraulically through 90deg, both forward and back. That means it can operate at a width of 4m or – with the wings extended – 7.5m.

It comes with a replaceable double Hardox knife and can level the silage both forwards and backwards. The pusher can be mounted on Cat II and Cat III brackets on the front or back.

See also: Robot silage pusher on trial

A tractor of 200hp or more is needed. Additional 40cm grilles can also be fitted on top of the leveller and the cost of the machine is about £7,000

Padagas also sells a 3m tractor-mounted rotary brush with 50% of the brush bristles made of steel. A hydraulic motor at each end provides the power. Cost of the 3m model is £5,800, plus £1,000 if you want the collector.  

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