9 tweets to sum up disease pressure in crops right now

Disease pressure in cereals and oilseed rape is starting to build as conditions take a turn for the cool and wet towards the end of this week.

With early spring fungicide sprays still a little way off, growers and agronomists from Lincolnshire to Kent and Sussex are reporting that septoria, the number one disease in wheat, is beginning to bubble up on lower leaves.

The odd instances of mildew and yellow rust are also being flagged as far north as Angus in Scotland, but growers are hoping that colder weather will return to damp down these diseases.

See also: Video: How to properly set up a fertiliser spreader

Both of the key oilseed rape diseases phoma and light leaf spot are showing up in crops now, too.

Here are nine disease-related tweets to give a general flavour of what’s happening out in the fields right now.


Yellow rust and phoma emerging

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