Growers challenged to beat Adas experts in fungicide contest

An annual wheat fungicide margin challenge opens again this spring. Entrants are invited to devise an innovative spray programme with the highest margin over fungicide cost.

The competition, which is run by crop consultant Adas, is open to growers, agronomists and agrochemical companies and will take place in Herefordshire, with the hope of more sites becoming established.

Growers must implement their innovative fungicide strategy against other entries, Adas experts and an untreated crop, using a popular wheat variety.

See also: How to save up to £50/ha on your wheat fungicide programme

Crop profitability depends on maximising margins, rather than yield alone, and optimum spring crop protection management requires judgement of variety, the crop’s situation and disease control, says Adas.

Last year’s competition saw Adas win the season-long challenge with a fungicide spend of £95/ha, giving the highest margin of £1,649/ha and yield of 11.88t/ha.

Herefordshire farm manager Mark Wood, of JPF Clay Farms, came a very close second with a margin of £1,648/ha from a yield of 11.95t/ha yield, which cost £105.60/ha.

Those who want to take part should contact Adas research scientist Chloe Morgan at

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