Fertiliser market report

In recent years the fertiliser industry has been accused of crying wolf when it warned of serious delays in delivering spring nitrogen for immediate use.

Somehow, however, difficulties in transportation were always overcome and fertiliser was delivered more or less on time.

This season, warnings were justified with delays of ten days or more being reported in various parts of the country as merchants and manufacturers find it difficult to find enough suitably qualified and registered hauliers.

At least nitrogen fertiliser has not peaked dramatically and remains reasonably affordable around ÂŁ161/tonne.

With more stability in energy markets, the vital gas feedstock has ceased to be the predominant factor controlling price and supply and demand has now taken over.

The balance is still in favour of maintaining price, but these have been stabilised by the slight weakening of the urea market.

Thank goodness that the atmosphere, the raw material for nitrogen fertiliser is free; it’s the energy that costs. The same, however, cannot be said for compound fertilisers as the price of phosphates has rocketed. This is because of massive increases in demand, recently by the United States with their interest in industrial cropping.

Many high phosphate grades are currently not in production as manufacturers await a return to more reasonable raw material prices.

Where available, triple 17 is in excess of ÂŁ185/t and, with its higher phosphate content, 20.10.10 is approaching ÂŁ10/t more expensive than 25.5.5. The price gap between them is normally ÂŁ3/t.

Despite this, business for all grades of fertiliser is brisk. Deliveries in March and April were above average and there is every sign that the market is catching up on a poor start. Not surprisingly, stocks are dwindling.

The aftercut market is now underway and, as usual, prices mirror those of nitrogen. There is quite a wide spread of analyses in this market giving rise to varied pricing. As ever, careful cost comparisons are essential to spot the real bargains.

Last year saw an early start to the new season and there is speculation that this will happen again with prices for nitrogen revealed before the end of May.  Farm values around ÂŁ152/t are forecast.

Meanwhile, prices in Ireland have come as a shock to local farmers who tend to buy exclusively at the usage period and are therefore blind to continuing trends throughout the year.

Sellers are experiencing strong sabre rattling from the market place which still can’t quite accommodate to world prices following the loss of a strongly state subsidised local manufacturer.

The reality is that Irish farm prices, especially nitrogen, are currently considerably below world prices causing significant losses for the manufacturer.

Great Britain


Domestic N
(34.5%N) SP5

Imported AN 
only Lithuanian

Imported urea

Liquid UAN
37kg N/100litre


Around ÂŁ160

UK stocks

Granular ÂŁ205-210

Prilled no interest


TSP (47%P2O5) ÂŁ185 upward trend  
Muriate of Potash (60%K2O) ÂŁ154 upward trend  








From ÂŁ150






20.10.10 / 27.5.5


From ÂŁ158






Aftercuts (NK)




27.6.6 (imported)




32.5.0 (imported)


No market


Autumn grades (PK)

No market

No market






Trace elementsCopper, zinc, selenium,
cobalt Iodine and sodium

ÂŁ11.80/acre pack






No market ÂŁ140 ÂŁ160-162 ÂŁ160 No longer used Phosphate regulations
of Ireland
€220 €233 No market  

€276 (CCF)

*†Note in the Republic of Ireland nutrients are expressed as elements not oxides. 
Analyses will not be directly comparable with those used in the UK.
*Known as 24.2½.10 blend in the Republic of Ireland
**Known as 27.2½.5 in ROI

Note All illustrated prices are based upon 24 tonne loads for immediate payment.
Prices for smaller loads and those with credit terms will vary considerably.
Source: Bridgewater

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