Harvest Highlights – Oilseed rape and winter barley finished in Cambridgeshire

A large combine capacity has helped Peter Mead of Foxton, Cambridgeshire finish winter barley and oilseed rape combining in between showers.

“Progress has been dependent on our large combine capacity,” he said. He confessed he was happy with progress so far, given the tricky season.

Carat winter barley had been completed earlier last week, yielding 7.5t/ha (3t/acre), while 20ha (50 acres) of Castille winter oilseed rape was finished on Wednesday. That yielded 3.1t/ha (1.25t/acre).

The main problems had been regrowth in the winter barley, he said.

Robigus and Glasgow winter wheat, and Gerald winter oats all looked promising, having remained “mostly” standing after the recent poor weather.

• Crop: oilseed rape
• Variety: Castille
• Area: 20ha
• Yield: 3.1t/ha

• Crop: Winter barley
• Variety: Carat
• Area: 44ha
• Yield: 7.5t/ha

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