Helicopter crop tour – follow on Twitter

Today (30 March) Farmers Weekly arable reporter Adam Clarke is making a 700 mile whistle-stop round trip by helicopter of four crop trial sites.
He will be joining agronomists and Bayer experts to examine the disease situation and how to tackle it as we approach the key spraying season.
You can follow the tour on Twitter at #crop doctor and tweet your questions to Adam and he will ask the experts.
The four sites are Long Sutton (Lincolnshire), Cawood (Yorkshire), Callow (Herefordshire) and Hambledon (Hampshire).
So, if you have a burning question or problem that you want to put to the experts, tweet Adam at #cropdoctor and he will ask on your behalf.
You can also post a question on the Crop Doctor forum or email Adam Clarke.
Follow the day’s events here.