Kelso Pearl barley yields surprise

The weather is damp for Stuart Fuller-Shapcott near Kelso on the Scottish Borders.

Two fields of Pearl winter barley yielded slightly up on last year, one at 7t/ha and the other at over 7.5t/ha, which he said was surprising.

He was pleased both fields of malting barley came in at 1.45% nitrogen, and the crop was of a satisfactory quality.

He was unsure how the wheat varieties will hold out this year, due to the heavy land, and the wet planting conditions last year. Mr Fuller-Shapcott said: “I’m not expecting much. My gut feeling is disappointing.”

  • Crop/Variety: Winter barley/ Pearl

  • Area: N/A

  • Yield: 7-7.5t/ha

  • Quality: 1.45% nitrogen

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