New pea varieties excel, says PGRO

Combining peas had yielded very well this year, with new varieties demonstrating excellent standing ability.
In Essex, marrowfats had averaged a good 3.75t/ha (1.5t/acre), with excellent colour, said Mark Button at Dengie Crops.
Although there had been some bleaching with blue peas, the white peas were of great quality, with 5t/ha (2t/acre) regularly reported.
“Combining peas show great promise this year and results so far show that peas have fared extremely well considering the very dry season,” said Dr Anthony Biddle, technical director at the Processors and Growers Research Organisation (PGRO).
In Cambridgeshire, new varieties were particularly pleasing, said James Wallace of Daltons.
“The most obvious feature is that the new varieties have stood better than ever and combining has been so much easier.
“With average yields exceeding 4t/ha (1.6t/acre), new varieties are really showing their potential.”
The two PGRO Recommended List variety trials at Thornhaugh and Chatteris, Cambridgeshire, had been cut, with above average yields of up to 6.5t/ha (2.6t/acre).
“The full potential of combining peas has been realised this year and, although there are still crops in the west and north to cut, there is a lot of optimism,” said Mr Biddle.