Perfect weather in NE Scotland

“It‘s been ok up here compared to the rest of the country,” he said.

The final area he had to cut was 20ha (50 acres) of wheat. He was very disappointed with the 6ha (15 acres) of Robigus. “I don‘t think that it‘s all cracked up as it‘s supposed to be.”

He was much more impressed with his 14ha (35 acres) of Riband. “The quality was just so much better.”

Next year Mr Davidson intends to only grow Riband.

The Prestige spring barley did not look good at first, but when it was combined it yielded well with reasonable quality.

It yielded 6.18 t/ha (2.5 t/acre), but unfortunately prices are low, Mr Davidson added.

He was harvesting at 17% moisture. “It‘s the driest I‘ve ever harvested at,” he said.

The sun came at just the right time for Mr Davidson allowing him to get his crops off the field with relative ease.

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