Quality slips but yields keep optimism
Although quality has disappeared, he is happy the crop has still been able to achieve high yields.
“Hagbergs crashed down to 60 from its original level of 240. It‘s definitely all feed wheat now, but there‘s a lot of it.”
He managed to harvest 10ha (25 acres) with outstanding results before the rain came in.
“We got 85 tonnes from 25 acres (8.4 t/ha) with good quality. It was top notch.”
He has still got another 100ha (250 acres) to do, saying it will probably take him 10 days of good weather to finish.
“I‘m hoping one of my neighbours will call me up to tell me they‘ve finished so I can persuade him to give me a hand.”
The 50ha (125 acre) oilseed rape crop this year proved to be disappointing, but the spring barley was a success, yielding 6.92 t/ha (56 cwt).
“It was great. It‘s the best spring barley I‘ve ever grown.”