RAGT sells spring barley breeding

RAGT Génétique has sold its spring barley breeding programme to Serasem, a member of the INVIVO group, it has been announced.

RAGT will retain the commercialisation of all existing and new varieties from the programme in the UK and several other European countries and RAGT Seeds will still market UK spring barley varieties.

The agreement allows RAGT to concentrate on wheat breeding, while continuing to benefit from high-performing spring barley varieties in certain European countries, said the firm’s Daniel Segonds.

The two firms will also develop licence agreements for oilseeds, to complement existing agreements for forage crops, reinforcing collaboration between the companies, he said.

INVIVO’s managing director, J Myotte, agreed.

“The purchase of the spring barley programme will allow Serasem to reinforce its presence in the barley market, a crop which we have significant share of the European market over the last 20 years.”

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