Rapeseed above average in South East

Oilseed rape harvest in the South East is about 70-75% complete, and yields are slightly above average, according to Ian Pugh at United Oilseeds.

“It has been a steady start, but all is going well,” he said. “As ever, oilseed rape is a complete mystery to most of us – the general consensus from farmers is surprised, and in many places, very pleased.”

Yields of 4-5t/ha (1.6-2t/acre) were not uncommon, and average yields were between 5% and 10% above last year, he reckoned.

Cabernet had proven a definite winner, despite concerns earlier in the year over frost damage, while the farmers’ favourite, Castille, was more disappointing.

“The area of Castille grown in the South East will definitely go down – I have had people changing their seed orders on the back of this year’s yields.”

Oil contents were slightly below last year, at 43-44%.

And harvest progress further north was rather slow, with no more than 25% of the crops cut in the Midlands. “It’s a very prolonged rapeseed harvest.”

Don’t forget – you can text us about yourharvest progress on 07537 402 287. Start your message with“fwharvest”

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