Record rapeseed in many areas, says ODA

Many farmers are reporting record oilseed rape yields, with about 35% of the UK crop now harvested.
Price risk consultant Offre & Demande Agricole (ODA) said its British clients’ crops were better than anticipated, with average rapeseed yields 3.7% higher than last year.
The best yields were being found in Yorkshire, with many crops exceeding 5t/ha (2t/acre).
In Lincolnshire and East Anglia, crops were also good, at 4-4.5t/ha (1.6-1.8t/acre), it said.
Further west, farmers in Northamptonshire and Oxfordshire said yields were extremely promising, with large seeds reported.
However, in the South West yields were mixed, with near-record levels recorded in Hampshire but just average yields in Dorset.
“Early reports suggest that the wheat harvest is just starting. The initial feedback is that the yields and quality are better than first expected.”