SFP to demonstrate range of phosphorous and nitrogen fertilisers

SFP will be at Cereals demonstrating how growers can get maximum efficiency from using its phosphorus and nitrogen fertilisers.
The company says its AVAIL® Phosphorus Fertiliser Enhancer and NutriSphere-N® Nitrogen Fertiliser Manager products can improve potential return in virtually any farming operation.
SFP will be exhibiting with Carrs Fertilisers, which distributes both products throughout the UK, as well as crop-specific blends such as Maxi-Maize starter fertiliser for maize.
Both companies share a commitment to developing innovative, environmentally beneficial fertiliser products that help farmers optimise their financial returns.
Launching at Cereals will be Maxi-Maize, a new maize starter fertiliser from Carrs Fertilisers comprising DAP treated with AVAIL, plus extra nitrogen and zinc. The product has shown impressive results in trials thus far and will offer growers the potential to increase yields without increasing acreage or input costs.
Because maize treated with Maxi-Maize has also shown higher starch and ME levels, it is expected that the product will be embraced not just by commercial maize growers but also by dairy farmers seeking to optimise dairy cow rations.
SFP will also be reacquainting attendees with NutriSphere-N Nitrogen Fertiliser Manager, which has been gaining momentum in the marketplace. With as much as 50% of applied nitrogen lost due to volatility and leaching nitrogen efficiency is on many growers’ minds.
NutriSphere-N protects nitrogen fertiliser at the molecular level, keeping more nitrogen available to the crop to aid plant development. Multiple university studies and independent field trials have shown a 10-15% increase in yield potential with NutriSphere-N.
Demonstration plots of wheat, oilseed rape and potato will clearly show the benefits of both AVAIL and NutriSphere-N. Fertiliser experts from SFP and Carrs will be on hand to discuss products in detail.
Demonstration plots will reinforce what a number of recent independent field trials have shown: AVAIL and NutriSphere-N improve the availability of phosphorus and nitrogen for all crops, in a wide variety of soil types, resulting in more yield potential.
There will be side-by-side comparisons of plant strength/health and root formation for crops with and without AVAIL and NutriSphere-N.
The products’ modes of action can be summarised as follows:
• AVAIL creates a water-soluble “shield” around phosphorus molecules, blocking the elements that tie up phosphorus in the soil such as calcium, iron, magnesium and aluminium. This keeps more applied phosphorus available to the crop throughout the growing season.
• NutriSphere-N works in a similar fashion, selectively inhibiting unwanted chemical reactions in the soil. NutriSphere-N keeps more nitrogen in its ammonium state before it is converted to nitrates, which are prone to leaching and volatilisation. It also controls urease and inhibits soil bacteria that work with enzymes to convert nitrogen fertiliser into nitrates.
• Both products are available in formulations for dry or liquid fertiliser.
In addition to the demonstration plots, briefings on both AVAIL and NutriSphere-N will be held at the top of every hour.
Jake Sanders, vice-president of marketing for SFP, will be available throughout the day. Mr Sanders’ responsibilities include leading international sales initiatives and managing all advertising and public relations efforts.
Stan Denby, managing director for Carrs Fertilisers, will also be available. Mr Denby has been involved in the practical side of the fertiliser industry for over 32 years.
He is particularly interested in discussing the efficient application and use of all inputs to improve overall nutrient management to ensure the profitability of farm businesses.
Tim Kerr, a veteran of the crop nutrient industry, is Specialty Fertiliser Manager for Carrs Fertilisers. He will be available to discuss technical aspects of SFP products and share his perspective on UK fertiliser market dynamics.
*Cereals 2010 exhibitor information as supplied by SFP.