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Spring broad-leaved weed control with Korvetto®

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Corteva Agriscience™ is a world-leading crop protection and seeds business focused on delivering the solutions UK and Irish agriculture needs to succeed.

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Early spring is a key time to monitor weed levels and control late winter and early spring germinating weeds as the crops come out of the winter.

Competition for light and nutrients becomes important in oilseed rape when moisture is less limiting later in the autumn and in the early spring.

Some weeds, such as chickweed, speedwells and cleavers, grow at lower temperatures and threaten to smother the crop in early spring.

Some of these weeds are also highly nitrophilic (‘love nitrogen’), such as chickweed and cleavers, so will remove nitrogen faster than the crop when the nitrogen is applied in the early spring.   

Korvetto® is a spring applied herbicide that gives robust performance against key broad-leaved weeds in oilseed rape.

Containing Arylex™ active + Clopyralid, the maximum individual dose is 1l/ha and water volume range is 150-300l/ha.  

Timing of Korvetto application is from 1 March during stem elongation up to before flower buds are visible above the canopy (BBCH 30-50) and can be used from 8-25°C in humid or dry conditions. Avoid severe drought or when frost is expected.  

The following (on label) weeds are susceptible to Korvetto: 

  • Cleavers – up to 15cm 
  • Fumitory – up to 10cm 
  • Corn chamomile – up to 10cm 
  • Cranesbill – up to 5cm 
  • Creeping thistle – up to 10cm 
  • Mayweeds – up to 7.5cm 
  • Red deadnettle – up to 15cm  

Moderately susceptible (on label) weeds include: 

  • Poppy – up to 10cm 
  • Groundsel – up to 5cm 
  • Flixweed – up to 5cm  

 A number of (off-label weeds) are susceptible to Korvetto with control from 85-100%. 

These include sow thistle, henbit, deadnettle, fat-hen, and vetch.  

There are no restrictions in normal crop rotation for following crops, but do not plant susceptible autumn sown crops in the same year as treatment (e.g., winter beans).

You can learn more about Korvetto in this short video here

Active ingredients

Belkar® contains halauxifen-methyl (Arylex™ active) and picloram

Astrokerb® contains aminopyralid and propyzamide

Kerb® Flo 500 contains propyzamide

Korvetto® contains clopyralid and halauxifen-methyl (Arylex™ active)