Winter barley disappoints near Telford

Duncan Whiteman is finishing drilling next year’s oilseed rape crop at Arlescott Farm, Telford, Shropshire; but is disappointed with barley yields this year.

So far, he had cut 30ha of Retriever winter barley at 14% moisture, which averaged just 6.2t/ha.

“Although yields are not as high as I’d like and the straw length is poor, we expect it to have a good bushel weight,” he said.

Mascani winter oats had been the best crop so far, yielding 7.4t/ha.

“The oats are only just ready yet the crop is much better than last year,” said Mr Whiteman. “It’s a nice dry sample and quality is good.”
He tested PR46W21 oilseed rape earlier in the week, but the moisture content was still too high to begin harvest.

And winter wheat was also still in the ground, along with most wheat crops in the area.

“It’s been a late and tentative start, but it’s given us time to have almost finished drilling next years oilseed rape,” said Mr Whiteman.

“Considering the start to the year, the spring barley, oats and wheat are all looking better than expected. We have at least got a harvest and it’s nice to be combining something of good quality.”

Crop: Winter barley
Variety: Retriever
Area: 30ha
Yield: 6.2t/ha

Crop: Winter oats
Variety: Mascani
Yield: 7.4t/ha

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