Yields below average in East Anglia
Winter barley harvest is about 90% complete in East Anglia, with oilseed rape some 70% through, according to Gleadell Agriculture.
Regional manager Trevor Gates said yields for both crops were slightly below average, within a wide band of variation.
“It just depends what part of the region they are in and how much rain they got.”
Winter barley had yielded around 5-5.5t/ha (2-2.2t/acre) – slightly below average for the region.
“Quality is fine, with low screening levels, and nitrogen all within a usable band for malting.”
Oilseed rape had been slow to dry off, and yields were just below average at around 3.5-4.25t/ha (1.4-1.7t/acre).
Farmers were now moving into spring barley and early winter wheat. “A lot is now ready, but farmers have been getting in the malting barley.
“The bulk of it will start at the end of the week.”
Don’t forget – you can text us about yourharvest progress on 07537 402 287. Start your message with“fwharvest”