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Are you realising the full potential of your land?
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Helping farmers and landowners to gain maximum value from their land
Muller Property specialises in working with farmers and landowners to help them promote their land in order to secure planning permission for housing development or employment.
Our team is highly experienced and under the leadership of Colin Muller, offers a highly personalised service which delivers results for the landowners with whom we work.
To speak to one of the team, Call 0800 788 0900
Muller offers a no-cost assessment of your land in 24 hours.
For more information visit our website Muller Property.

Colin Muller (left) is the CEO of Muller Property
The weather has to be at the forefront of all conversations being held around the kitchen table at the moment.
There is strong evidence to suggest that such volatile weather events will continue to increase with fervent frequency.
The Met Office predicts that a one in 100-year extreme weather event will become a one in 50-year event in the next 25 years.

Adverse weather is adding to the pressures on the UK farmer
Add this to constantly fluctuating dairy and meat prices, the need for farm efficiencies, routes to market and the continuing concern about the power supermarkets have on farm gate prices; you’d be forgiven for looking out at your farm land and wondering what the best use for it is.
Should you continue to farm it? Could you diversify into other ventures? Or does it have the potential for building on?
With government policy focused on ensuring local authorities deliver on their new home targets and committed to driving economic development, if it is on the edge of town, your land may have unrealised potential.
The first step to finding out its full potential is to assess your land
- You’ll want to make sure it meets some essential criteria, before you consider pursuing any development plans.
- Your land should be on the edge of a settlement, as this is typically where any new development will take place, and is where urban planners will be looking to expand villages and towns.
- Ideally, your land won’t be in the green belt, or any other area of protected natural beauty.
- Whilst not impossible to overcome, these policy restrictions will likely limit the potential of your land.
- You don’t want the land to be in a flood zone either.
- All the media attention given to recent floods has re-focused attention on flood management techniques.
- If your land is in a designated flood zone, it may form part of the Council’s defences and obtaining planning permission will be very difficult.
- Land size is also important. If you’d like to consider the potential for a residential development, you’ll need to have a minimum of 3 acres of suitable land for the Council’s interest to be sparked into considering it for allocation in a new local plan.
Next, don’t wait around
If you want to realise the full potential of your land, you’ll need to get started right away with an assessment of its merits: the sooner the better.Often I see farmers do too little, too late.
That’s because every local authority has an extensive list of requirements that must be fulfilled and regulations that have to be adhered to.
It’s a matter of persuading them that your land is both suitable and available for development, and that you can deliver what they require – housing and employment.
It’s all about skilled promotion. You must get your cap into the ring, but you must also show off all the great qualities of your land, to get it front of the council’s mind when they come to review their Local Plan.
You want the Council to quickly and easily identify your land and know it is being expertly promoted. And you won’t get many opportunities to do this.
You’ll need to be ready to act as soon as possible.
As well as Local Plan reviews, you may be able to take advantage of other policies that can reduce barriers for planning permission – like a lack of “5 Year Housing Land Supply” or a poor result in a “Housing Delivery Test“.
There are currently 29 local authorities in this category who may be subject to having their local policies overridden in the near future.
You need to make sure you have everything prepared to benefit from this
It may not be easy to promote your land – and it’s not cheap – but there is plenty of help available; one of the advantages of using a land promotion company is that they can fully expense these costs for you.
But by getting started early, and providing as much detailed information as possible – including a clear vision for the area – then if you have land on the edge of a settlement, you’re in prime position to get noticed by the Council, and know whether they’re likely to be in a receptive position.
If your land has been proactively promoted you will already have enhanced the potential of your land.
It will be easier to get that all-important planning permission.
Then, you can start exploring its true potential.
Colin Muller is the CEO of Muller Property, specialist land promoters working throughout the UK.
Their highly experienced team offer expert advice and help landowners to get the most out of their estate.