FFA vows to continue Asda fight

FARMERS FOR Action has said it will resume milk price protests against Asda in a matter of days.
FFA chairman David Handley said the group would be “back at Asda” by the middle of next week, despite threats of legal action from the retailer (FW News, Nov 26).
But Mr Handley admitted that the FFA might change tactics and stay away from the supermarket‘s distribution depots.
“There is more than one way to skin a cat,” he said. “We‘ve a number of ideas up our sleeves, all of them aimed at Asda.”
Asda has told FFA that it cannot allow protests which interfere with the running of its depots, stores or other premises.
But it has said that it respects FFA‘s right to voice its opinions on farming, and if the group wishes to protest in a way that causes no obstruction then Asda will have no complaint. n