NFU Mutual offers postgraduate degree bursaries

Students looking to study a postgraduate degree in agriculture can apply for a bursary from NFU Mutual which pays up to 75% of course fees.
The NFU Mutual Charitable Trust, which runs the scheme, says they are particularly interested to hear from people looking to study sustainable agriculture and climate change, international agricultural development and the application of science and innovative technology to the agricultural industry.
The bursary award scheme is open to students who have gained, or are expected to gain, a 2:1 or above in agriculture or a closely related degree, and have been accepted or provisionally accepted on a Masters or PhD course in agriculture in the UK starting in autumn 2014.
In 2013 three students were chosen to receive funding.
The beneficiaries will be chosen by a judging panel who will be looking for applicants who are not only excellent academic performers, but are also committed to the future of agriculture.
Prospective postgraduate students who think they may be eligible to apply for the award in 2014 should contact to request further details and an application form.
The closing date for applications relating to courses starting autumn 2014 is 30 April 2014.
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