Proposed Tir Gofal cuts slammed

NFU CYMRU has said it is extremely disappointed at the payment reductions proposed for Tir Gofal and Tir Cymen.

The proposed reductions are being justified by the introduction of the Single Payment Scheme.

Peredur Hughes, union president, said: “This is a very sad day for the whole of  conservation in Wales, but particularly for those farmers who have entered the Tir Gofal scheme in good faith. 

“It is particularly disappointing as both the Welsh Assembly and the Countryside Council for Wales have highlighted Tir Gofal as the flagship conservation scheme throughout the UK. 

“I am saddened by the fact that NFU Cymru  and other stakeholders did not have an opportunity to input into the review of the new payment rates.”

Mr Hughes said it was now highly likely that farmers would be seriously considering their position with drop outs possible at the 5 year break clause.

“NFU Cymru has always argued that the rules on payment of agricultural environment schemes should be based on the environmental gain these schemes deliver and not on the basis of income foregone. 

“We are disappointed that this does not appear to be being fought with vigour at EU level.”

NFU Cymru has asked for an urgent meeting with CCW and the assembly to highlight its concerns and to see what can be done over the issue.

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