SPS 2012: Ten top tips on completing your form

Farmers are being urged to start thinking about filling in their annual Single Payment Scheme application sooner rather than later – and if possible online.

The deadline for submitting an RLE1 form if transferring entitlements is approaching fast – 2 April. The deadline for getting the SPS form is 15 May 2012.

Farmers Weekly has been working with the Rural Payments Agency to identify some of the common errors that people making when filling in their SP5 forms.

Below are ten top tips for getting it right.

Guidance booklet

Read the SPS guidance booklet before starting. Note that the 2012 version is a supplement only and not a full handbook so it needs to be read in conjunction with last year’s.


Applications must be returned by midnight on 15 May to avoid late penalties.

Date and sign

Double check that your form has been signed and dated and make sure you use black ink throughout if you are using the paper version.

Supporting evidence

Remember to send in any supporting evidence and a covering letter detailing anything on your claim that may need further explanation.

Soil protection

Make sure your Soil Protection Review is up to date as you will have to show it if you have an inspection.

Don’t leave until last minute

If you are doing your claim online, don’t leave it until the last minute. If you need to submit any supporting documentation such as sketch maps they need to be sent by post or dropped into an office ahead of 15 May deadline. Your application won’t be regarded as complete without them.

No spread zones

There is a new Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition (GAEC) rule this year which means no spread zones apply for both organic and inorganic fertilisers applied close to lakes, rivers, streams and ditches. Details are in the 2012 cross-compliance handbook.

Barcode labels

SBI barcode labels should be used on any correspondence or maps that do not carry a pre-printed code. If you need extras for this year’s application ask the RPA.

Mapping changes

Stay on top of mapping changes. You can send in an RLE1 form informing the agency of mapping changes at any time of the year. RLE1 forms need to be filled out if there are any boundary changes, entitlement transfers or registration of new land. If farmers do this throughout the year then it means that forms can be pre-populated with the most accurate data.

Seek advice

If in doubt, ask for help. The Customer Service Centre can handle general queries on 08456 037 777. If you are still unsure about whether you qualify or how to proceed then seek independent professional advice.

More on this topic

Read the full guidance on filling out the 2012 Single Payment Scheme form

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