Static pig values continue
BRITISH PIG prices for week commencing Mon, July 26 have generally remained static.
Although the GB Deadweight Average Pig Price (DAPP) put on 0.3p/kg this week, to 107.78p, this was not reflected on spot markets where some quotes lost 1-3p/kg.
Most spot baconers are trading in the 100-102p/kg range with cutters worth 105-108p/kg.
Despite the shortage of slaughter numbers coming forward full chill rooms and poor retail demand have curbed domestic prices.
The cull sow market, however, continues to reflect firm European values with export buyers bidding 75p-78p/kg deadweight.
Weaner prices are failing to allow for cheaper feed costs and the Meat and Livestock Commission‘s 30kg quote of £32.60/head ex-farm represents little more than a break even return for producers.