Know How / Dairy

In a tough dairy market, with growing volatility and uncertainty, our Know How area aims to help you make your dairy business more resilient and profitable.

This is your starting point for lowering your cost of production, improving grass from forage and reducing reliance on antibiotics and improving cow health and welfare.

Key areas of focus:

  • Reducing costs to deliver a profitable business
  • Improving cow comfort, health and welfare
  • Increasing milk from forage
  • Meeting milk contract requirements
  • Breeding cows to suit your system

Latest Know How


Advice on summer forage and rotational grazing benefits

Farmers Weekly’s Shirley Macmillan headed over to the recent British Grassland Society Summer Meeting. She shares advice from the event on summer nutrition and rotational grazing. See also: How to…


Cornish chemist-turned-farmer crowned Calf Rearer of the Year

Cornish farmer Andrea Semmens has been crowned Calf Rearer of the Year at the inaugural award presentation at this year’s National Youngstock Conference in Devon. The award, sponsored by Wynnstay,…


How a 2,600-cow housed herd drove down carbon emissions

Integration of dairy and arable enterprises, targeted use of nutrients and a focus on feed sourcing have been the driving forces behind a 40% drop in emissions at Grosvenor Farms,…


Benefits of a mentored team approach to lameness control

Lameness is estimated to cost the dairy industry £250m/year through impaired fertility, reduced production, premature culls, and treatment costs. The average cost a day of lameness for all lame cows…

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