Cereals 2014: Knight shows well-priced cultivators

This striking-looking Bednar Terraland TN chisel plough from Knight Farm Machinery comes in five-leg and seven-leg versions and can work down to 65cm.
It’s designed to restructure soils and the idea is that the point breaks the subsoil while the wings shatter the soil above it. There’s also a change of angle half way down the leg to avoid soil heave.
See also: Read more from this year’s Cereals event
It’s designed to restructure soils and comes with hydraulic auto-reset and side-shields to stop lumps flying about. The 3m version is £21,500.
Knight was also showing a higher-spec version of the Fenix FN3000 min-till unit with heavy-duty springs aimed at farmers with 150hp of tractor power. It costs a pretty modest £15,750 and can work down from 5cm to 35cm depth.
Both come from Slovenian cultivations maker Bednar, which Knight started bringing into the UK a year or so ago.