Lamma: Dal-bo seeder coverts subsoiler

Danish firm Dal-bo has come up with nifty kit that converts a subsoiler into a disc drill for establishing oilseed rape.
The coulter bar and hopper arrangement bolts straight on the back of any Dal-bo subsoiler and places the seed in defined rows and at a set depth. Dal-bo says this gives much more accurate seed placement than systems that drop it behind the subsoiler leg or broadcast it across the entire width of the machine.
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Seed is distributed down six tubes to a row of six double-disc coulters. There’s also a 12-coulter option that comes with splitters to convert the six pipes into 12 outlets.
Seed-rate is controlled with a simple unit in the cab and there’s the option of a land-driven metering wheel or radar.
There are also brackets available for mounting to rival makers’ machines. The kit costs £14,000.