Young Farmers: Register for your free Blackpool cap

Young Farmers attending this year’s convention are being given a unique opportunity to claim a free Farmers Weekly cap.

Farmers Weekly has a car-load of stylish caps for members to sport around Blackpool then take home in this bumper giveaway.

As well as having Farmers Weekly branding on the front, the yellow caps proudly display the slogan “I am the next generation” on the back – because we reckon you should remind everyone of your vital position in the agricultural industry.

It’s first-come, first-served, so it’s best to register for yours ahead of the Blackpool weekend, which runs from 9-11 May.

It’ll keep the sun out of your eyes if it’s hot, the rain off your hair if it’s wet – and, whatever the weather, it’s the ideal accessory for any club shirt and perfect on-farm wear for when you return home.

We all know YFC stands for Young Farmers Club, right? Well at this year’s convention, it will now also stand for Your Free Cap.

How to get your Farmers Weekly cap

Just bung your details into our online form. A voucher will appear on your screen. Simply print off this voucher or save it on your mobile/tablet.

Come to the Farmers Weekly stand in Blackpool Winter Gardens – look for our yellow T-shirts – and show us your voucher.

The best day to claim your cap is Friday 9 May.

Register now!