Cash prize on offer for best ‘family farm’ essay

The Family Farmers Association has launched an essay writing competition, giving Farmers Weekly readers the chance to win £500.

The contest is one way the organisation will be celebrating the International Year of Family Farming and the winning entrant will be presented with their prize in the House of Commons on 21 October.

The subject of your essay should be The Future of the Family Farm, but how you choose to interpret this is up to you. It might be about the incredibly important role family farms will continue to play in the countryside and the economy, it might be about your experiences growing up on one, or about the threats they currently face, or the differences between the ones in this country and abroad.

How to enter

Your entry should be no longer than 1,000 words.

The closing date is Sunday 31 August.

Either email your entries to or post them to Essay Competition, The Family Farmers Association, Osborne Newton, Aveton Gifford, Kingsbridge, South Devon, TQ7 4PE.

The essay could be a first-person piece or more academic in style or a write-up of an interview you conduct with someone else. It might be full of informative facts, or it might be a heartfelt piece that makes us laugh or cry.

Basically, we’re looking for pieces that help raise awareness about family farms and help celebrate the vital role they play.

The best entry will be picked by judges from the Family Farmers Association and Farmers Weekly, and will appear on the FFA website. An abridged version of it will also appear in Farmers Weekly magazine.

Read a Q&A with the Family Farmers Association


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