FW is hunting for heroes – tell us about yours

There’s still time to tell us about your hero – and, as well as getting them a potential mention in Farmers Weekly, you could be on your way to winning £100.

It might be a relative, friend, neighbour, fellow farmer or a figure in the public eye – someone you know well or someone you’ve never met.

It could be someone you admire, have learnt a lot from or taken inspiration from over the years.

See also: 8 things you’ll be all-too-familiar with if you rear calves

Whoever it is, we’d like to hear why they mean so much to you and why they’re so special.

All you’ve got to do is send us a few words (we suggest between 250 and 500 words) or a photograph with a line or two. You could even do both.

So whether it’s one of your children, one of your parents, someone you once worked for, a schoolteacher or even a figure in the local community or the national spotlight, then let us know.

We’ll publish the ones we like best and there’s a prize of £100 on offer for our favourite.

Email your entries by Friday 24 February to fwfarmlife@rbi.co.uk

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