Harvest pictures 2015 terms and conditions

Here are the terms and conditions covering the use of photos of harvest 2015, including pictures submitted for Farmers Weekly’s Harvest front cover competition 2015’, by Farmers Weekly and its affiliated businesses.
- Every picture submitted to Farmers Weekly of harvest or harvest-related scenes will be automatically entered into our Harvest Front Cover competition.
- The picture judged to be the winner will be used on a front cover of a future issue of Farmers Weekly. The person who took the picture will be given a credit in a short article inside that issue of the magazine and on the website.
- Pictures will be considered to be submitted to the competition whether they are loaded directly into the Harvest 2015 photo gallery on FW’s website, or emailed to any of the FW email addresses.
- Farmers Weekly and its affiliated companies and businesses reserve the right to use any of the submitted pictures more than once in the magazine, on the website, or in any other medium or format – both in connection with our harvest coverage and in any other context.
- By submitting a photograph to Farmers Weekly, you are confirming that you own the copyright to that picture.
- People submitting photographs to Farmers Weekly retain the right to use those photographs again themselves for personal and/or commercial purposes.
- The closing date of the competition will be announced in the latter part of harvest 2015.
If you have any queries, please email tim.relf@rbi.co.uk
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