PHOTOS: Christmas fun on our readers’ farms

With less than one week to go before Christmas Day, farms up and down the country are getting into the festive spirit.

Readers have been sending us pictures of what Christmas looks like on their farms – from cows wearing santa hats, to tractors bedecked in fairy lights.

Click through our slideshow to see some of our favourites so far and send your own festive farm photos to

  • Victoria Dimond and her youngest dress up with Willow - their jersey show
    Victoria Dimond and her youngest dress up with Willow, their Jersey show

  • Sprout grower TH Clements, based near Boston, Lincs, trials some festive scarecrows to help ward-off hungry wood pigeons
    Sprout grower TH Clements, based near Boston, Lincs, trials some festive scarecrows to help ward-off hungry wood pigeons

  • Father Christmas drops off some early presents to SW Machinery Hire
    Father Christmas drops off some early presents to SW Machinery Hire

  • Santa's farm sleigh... sent in by Rod Warner
    Santa’s farm sleigh… sent in by Rod Warner

  • Moodolph and santa's little heifer
    Moodolph and santa’s little heifer

  • Laine Glover from Lincs sent in this festive snap of a John Deere
    Laine Glover from Lincs sent in this festive snap of a John Deere

  • Juliet Cleave spotted Father Christmas in North Cornwall
    Juliet Cleave spotted Father Christmas in North Cornwall

  • Goodrich and Hill Court shoot with Christmas jumpers in full swing
    Goodrich and Hill Court shoot with Christmas jumpers in full swing

  • Christmas hat-wearing goat from Mel Holdbrook
    Christmas hat-wearing goat from Mel Holdbrook

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