Morew words that have a totally different meaning on a farm

Our list of 15 words that have a totally different meaning on a farm – such as “estate”, “fencing” and “lodging” – struck a chord with readers, with many suggesting amusing additions. Here are some of yours:

1. Steer 

To everyone else: What you do to avoid obstacles in your car.

To a farmer: A bull who has permanently mislaid his testicles.

Richard Hodges

2. Cake, nuts and rolls

To everyone else: A Victoria sponge, a Brazil and a Mr Kipling mini.

To a farmer: Types of sheep feed.

Helen Powell

Your suggestions

Do you have any ideas for words that have a totally different meaning on a farm? If so, email 

3. Drawing cattle 

To everyone else: Picturing livestock in watercolours.

To a farmer: Moving them from one part of the farm to another.

Irish Farmerette

4. Crush 

To everyone else: Something that happens on the Tube at rush hour.

To a farmer: Something we use to handle cattle.

Francis Cawley

Crowded Tube and cow in a crush

© Janine Wiedel/REX and Tim Scrivener

5. Come by

To everyone else: An invitation to visit.

To a farmer: A command to his sheepdog.

Alice Evans

6. GAP 

To everyone else: A clothing company.

To a farmer: An acronym for “good agricultural practice”.

Barnali James

7. A shower

To everyone else: An alternative to a bath.

To a farmer: What you hope for when your crops need a drink.

Juliet Cleave

8. Drilling

To everyone else: Looking for oil.

To a farmer: Planting seeds.

Linda Lear

Oil drilling and farm drilling

© Global Warming Images /REX and Tim Scrivener

9. Sheep race

To everyone else: A competition of the fastest farm animals. 

To a farmer: To sort or handle sheep. 

Helen Powell

10. Hurdle: 

To everyone else: What an athlete jumps over.

To a farmer: A panel used as fencing or to create a pen.

Stacey Hawkins

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