NFU Cymru ‘next generation’ intake sought

Proactive, enthusiastic young farmers are being sought for a new intake for NFU Cymru’s Next Generation Development Group.
Farmers aged 40 and under, from all farming sectors and all counties of Wales, are invited to apply to join the group and to represent the future of the industry.
See also: 10 pieces of advice for young people starting in agriculture
The application window closes on Friday 28 February.
The programme will run for two years, starting at the end of April.
NFU Cymru president Aled Jones said: “Being part of NFU Cymru’s Next Generation Development Group is a great opportunity to get your voice heard and to meet people from across the agriculture industry.
“I really encourage any NFU Cymru members to please complete an application without delay.”
In addition to working with NFU Cymru on key issues such as future food and farming policy, members of the group will also get the opportunity to meet key figures within government and the agri-food supply chain.
The group meets about four times a year to discuss key issues affecting young farmers.
Rebecca Williams, a mixed farmer from Radnorshire, is a previous member of the group.
She said: “We took part in a fantastic range of meetings and visits.
“With the policy changes coming through now that will affect our generation, it was especially interesting to understand how governments in Cardiff and Westminster operate and how we as farmers can get our voices heard.”