Jimmy Doherty TV show peers into the world of the cow
A TV programme which explores the private life of cows will begin tonight on BBC 2 at 8pm.
The show will be fronted by Jimmy Doherty, who will learn how to move cows around a field to get them where he wants them to go by observing their ‘flight zone’.
The episode will also give an insight in to the life of cows and will include such things as experiments and tests to investigate the nature of cows, the hierarchy amongst groups, what turns a placid cow in to a potential killer and intelligence levels.
The show will also visit Chillingham Castle in Northumberland, where a herd of cows has been left naturally to run wild for over 700 years.
The programme is the first episode of a three-part series. The other episodes will cover the private life of chickens and pigs.
* For more read Field Day blog
* If you watch the show tell us what you think afterwards.