Pfizer halts all EU Pregsure BVD sales

Following its decision to voluntarily withdraw its BVD vaccine, Pregsure BVD, from the German market due to a possible link to bovine neonatal pancytopaenia (BNP) – the condition previously known as bleeding calf syndrome – Pfizer Animal Health has now ceased supplying the product in all European states.
In a statement Pfizer said the temporarty action ws taken as a prudent step while the company and other stakeholders continue a comprehensive investigation of the possible causes of BNP and any possible link to the use of Pregsure BVD.
Speaking on behalf of the company Edward Fergusson said Pfizer was funding an epidemelogical survey aimed at identifying the common risk factors between the reported cases of BNP. “Pfizer is actively conducting a robust invgestigation of BNP in conjunction with vet research institutions.”
Responding to the decision SAC said it welcomed the decision as it would help SAC and other investigators understand better the origins of the disease and help monitor its epidemiology. SAC advises farmers not to stop using their proven vaccination programmes and says Pfizer should be consulted for advice concerning unused doses of Pregsure BVD.