Holstein takes Devon Show dairy championship
Taking the interbreed dairy title here at Devon was the Holstein from the Miller family. This was Picston Shottle daughter Moorshard Shottle Teller, a third calver which gave 13,400 litres in her second and is currently giving 60 litres a day. She is out of Moorshard Jordy Teller and is one of 190 cows run by the Miller family at Bridgewater, Somerset.Reserve overall was the Jersey champion, Philip Manning’s second calver Etsill Jay Jay Charity, a Bridon Remaker Comerica daughter out of Wellhead Summit Sierra. She is currently giving 30 litres and gave 4900 litres in her heifer lactation.Full Dairy Results
Interbreed R K and S G Miller and Sons Holstein cow Moorshard Shottle Teller; res, P Manning’s Jersey cow Etshill Jay Jay Charity
Ayrshire East Church Ayrshire’s East Church Sapphire; res, East Church Ayrshire’s heifer East Church Very Milky Nadia
Guernsey M J and C E Greenslade’s cow Greensfield Icy Philis; res, M J and C E Greenslade’s cow Greensfield Icy Lady.
Holstein R K and S G Millar and Sons’ cow Moorshard Shottle Teller; res, C J and J A Bishop’s cow C R J and J A Bishop’s cow Curscombe Shottle Joy 44
Jersey P Manning’s cow Etsill Jay Jay Charity;res, P Manning’s heifer Etsill Comerica Radience